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Magnets. How do they work? It’s not a miracle, even though magnets may seem like mysterious things. They push and pull certain —and can even make them levitate—without touching them at all, but they s ...

You need to send a message to home from your tree house, but it’s too windy to send a paper airplane! Fortunately, you have a taut clothesline and a supply of balloons from last week’s birthday party. ...

Have you ever wondered why objects have different colors? Have you also ever wondered what it would be like to work as a secret agent and send secret messages to people? Conduct this experiment to fin ...

Potato chip science is big business! The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) does some very important tests so that the food you eat—including potato chips—is accurately labeled. We may not have access ...

How do medical researchers study the effect certain drugs have on the human body? They make sure to conduct what’s called a blind study. A blind study is one where the people being tested have no idea ...

The Internet is big. To give an example, 3 exabytes (one exabyte is 1,073,741,824 gigabytes) of data are generated every day.Recent estimates of the total amount of data in the world put it at 300 or ...

Imagine you’re installing a new array of solar panels for an energy-conscious company in California. You want the largest amount of sunlight possible to reach the panels. The panels are fixed, so you ...

Imagine that your plane has crash landed on a desert island. You don’t have a working clock, so you can’t tell when afternoon teatime is! You set out to make yourself a clock. The plane was carrying a ...

It is 1834, and you have just heard of this marvelous new phenomenon called eddy currents. Some fellow named Lenz discovered them, and you’re curious if you can find out something special about them y ...

Mirrors are strange things. They’re so common in our everyday lives that we often don’t think of how interesting they really are. Somehow they take the three-dimensional world we live in and represent ...